Old Pueblo Academy

Are Sample Cause and Effect Essays Beneficial for Students?

The basic idea behind a cause and effect essay is to analyze the cause of something and the later effect of that event on the people, environment, government, and any other relevant factors of influence. These types of essays are important because they allow students to see this event, usually tragic, from an objective point of view and are able to make conclusions and unbiased statements about what should have or could have happened. This is how we learn from other people’s mistakes and not have to make them ourselves. Talk about what you would have decided from either side of the conflict and why that might have turned out better.

When you’re writing this type of essay, it can be hard to balance facts and opinions. There’s no rule against opinions and your teacher will probably expect to see some; yours as well as other peoples’ who have written books or articles about the subject. At the same time, you don’t want to overload your essay with only opinion; it needs to be balanced out with hard facts and evidence related to that time period and situation. This can be a fine line to walk in balancing those two things, but an easy way to give yourself an approximate idea is to make a list of how many factual references you make and how many opinions you quote. Are the numbers relatively equal?

Any essay can be tiresome to write, but particularly cause and effect essays. There are lots of students these days that opt for hiring an expert online to write their essays for them. This way, they don’t have to do any of the work, they just supply the idea and the guidelines for it to be written from and get someone else to do it for them. If you choose to go this route, there are a few things you should know. When looking for an online writing service, check for these things:

  • Does the company have a reliable customer service?
  • Are they strictly against plagiarism and won’t give students a copied essay?
  • Do their writers have actual experience with cause and effect essays or just writing in general?
  • Do they deliver the finished essay promptly by email?
  • During the writing process, you should have contact with the writer to guide them in the right direction; is this available?