Old Pueblo Academy

What’s the Purpose of an Analysis Essay?

Essays are basically used to provide students of professionals from various walks of life with an opportunity to extend an argument in support or opposition of a certain thesis. Essays are essentially used or are meant to provide an individual with an opportunity demonstrate their knowledge on the understanding of a particular subject as well as put to use their analytical skills and clear display of ideas.

What is an analytical essay?

An analytical essay in simple terms seeks to explore and critically look or evaluate an idea based on a particular text given. It provides a student with an opportunity to explore a text and engage the reader with his analysis of the same. The basic premise of an analytical essay is:

  • Breaking down text into components
  • Showing correlation or relationship of subordinate arguments
  • Providing a compelling conclusion

In essence, an analysis essay seeks to move beyond a narration, a description or a summary.

Purpose of analysis essay

Many students are always questioning what the purpose of an analysis essay is. In essence, it’s imperative to note that an analysis essay basically focuses on exploring ideas critically and evaluating given facts to ascertain their veracity or hold a divergent view altogether. It is an essay whose very aim is to give the reader a clear view of ideas as well as an analysis of the issue at hand with expertise and clear sense of opinion. An analysis essay looks forward to support a given idea with evidence or facts. It also looks forward to discarding a given idea with a backing of evidence or facts. However, the essay needs to follow a logical sequence of ideas and be coherent enough for the reader to properly understand the format. This however does not mean that there is a particular format in which an analysis essay should be written. The purpose is to awake in a person critical thinking and persuade them to look at things from the analyst’s point of view.